quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009

Le Petit Prince (english version)

"If you come, for example, at four of the afternoon, since at three I will begun to be happy."

None of all histories got to overcome the pure and magic of this small noble personage. While reading the book there is a strong sensation you are knowing someone, but not anyone, but a prince, and not any prince, but who that has the most noble soul and sincere charisma ever in the whole planet system.

"But the eyes are blind. Is necessary search with the heart..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was really a pilot, actually a II World War hero, what feed more the imagination of the readers... Would it be a history of a real meeting, a lived experience by him in one of his missions?... Definitely a real meeting, with the sensibility that just a child can express and for a long time we keep in our distant childhood of memories and little we use in the present.

" You become eternally responsable for what you captive."

Le "Petit Prince" is the history of a pilot that, after a pane in his airplane, lost himself in the sand of Saara, and knows a child that is definitelly not lost..."

"If you love a flower that finds itself in a star,is good, at night, look to the sky. All the stars will be flowered. "

Through the envolvent simplicity of this book, great messages are learned, and when we arrived at the end of the petit prince history is impossible stand indifferent and not miss him...

" And when you become consoled, you will feel happy for had known me."

"Was the time that you dedicated to your rose that make it so important"
" The essential is invisible to the eyes"

Antonie Saint-Exupéry

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